Hi! I'm Michelle!

I started my career over 20 years ago in Manufacturing. I worked for a great company that allowed me many opportunities to grow and develop myself while doing the same for the company. I had a seat at the table, and I was able to utilize my undergraduate degree in Accounting and Finance along with my MBA to move the company forward. Together we acquired a number of companies, leveled up the employees, and led the charge in creating processes for each department to ensure consistency and effectiveness daily. I worked for this organization for 21 years and truly enjoyed it until I felt something was missing.

I was always someone who kept her head down doing her work day in and out. When issues arose, I would go home, have a nice glass of wine and try to forget that the ease I once felt managing and leading in this organization no longer was there. I just didn't want to admit it until I did.

I realized that I had changed. I was now a working Mom who's values had shifted from work and money to family. It was scary. I was looking to start fresh and live my current values, but how? 

This was when I hired a coach to help me to dream, test, and land on a career that would offer me the balance and flexibility I craved. Has it been easy? No, but it's been the most rewarding endeavor I've ever taken on. I’ve had to become someone totally different than who I was. I was setting off on my own. I now had to figure things out on my own. Test and retest ideas till I got them right. I still work on my mindset daily to ensure I align with my business, life, and self goals.

That story is the inspiration behind my business today. A business that helps women realize that workaholic is not our only default setting. We work hard to create freedom, flexibility, and financial independence. But as we grow, we sometimes forget "why" we started it in the first place. Balance is lost. I help my clients utilize the assets they already have to accomplish the results and feelings they want to create.

My coaching strategy taps into all four Lifeaholic pillars: people, process, profit, and mindset, to help figure out the winning formula for you NOW. 

We look at what is working and what isn't and decide intentionally what we do next to create the change and balance you seek. 

Life is fluid, and at different times we need to adjust and look at things from a different perspective. I pride myself on honesty, high integrity, and my passion for service. I am not here to be your friend. I'm here to be honest with you about where your current actions and thoughts could be holding you back from accomplishing your dreams. You know your business and life better than I do, but my outside, independent perspective will be integral in helping you get what you want.

I can provide clarity to help you pave the way to achieving your goals, balance, and exactly what you want for your life, business, and self. 

Let's go!